Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Trip

Me, mum and Reve left at about 3.00 pm. We drove 2 hours to Byron Bay then stayed at my friends house for 2 nights. After we stayed for 2 nights we drove to Brisbane but i was sick so it wasn't very fun. When we got there we stayed in a tiny hotel for 1 night. We also picked my dad up at the airport. The next day i felt better and it was time to go to japan. we left at 8.00 am and had a 9 hour plane ride. The plane had a TV and a game player. We got there at 4.00 pm because there is a 1 hour earlier time change. We got our luggage then got a taxi to the hotel. Inside the hotel it had samuri armour, a toilet that didn't have a seat and a toilet were the seat was warm. we were looking for a shop to eat food at. After we got food we went back to the hotel and went to sleep. The beds were like mattresess on the floor but they were comfy. The next day we went to the airport and had a 10 hour plane flight to Dallas in America. We stayed there for 1 hour then took a 4 hour plane ride to Calgary. At the airport there was this machine you sat in and it had a TV. The TV was filming a rollercoaster and the machine moved like a rollercoaster. we stayed at the airport for 6 hours then took and 1 hour plane ride to Winnipeg. We got our bags then my grandma and grampa drove us to there farm. It took 2 hours. When we got there it was 1 in the morning so we went straight to bed. We finally got there yay!

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